Connect Arlington Endorsed by Select Board

Connect Arlington, the Sustainable Transportation Plan, was endorsed by the Select Board at its July 19, 2021 meeting. Connect Arlington supplants the Traffic and Circulation section of the Master Plan with a more robust and detailed explanation of existing transportation conditions and goals and strategies for the transportation system in Arlington. The Master Plan Implementation Committee is a key implementing committee of the plan in partnership with the Arlington Bicycle Advisory Committee, Transportation Advisory Committee, and Clean Energy Future Committee
The Sustainable Transportation Plan Advisory Committee worked with staff and a consultant hired by the Town to develop a 20-year strategy (2021-2041) to ensure that residents, workers, business owners, and visitors are provided a safe, reliable, multimodal transportation network that meets the needs of all people of all ages and abilities. The ability for a community’s transportation system to move people and goods effectively, efficiently, and equitably is fundamental to quality of life, economic opportunity, and sustainability. 
The plan can be downloaded in full or by section at the links below: 

Watch the Select Board calendar event for registration info for the July 19 hearing



The 2019 Annual Town Meeting approved $80,000 to fund the creation of a Sustainable Transportation Plan (STP) for the Town of Arlington: $60,000 from town funds in the DPW budget and $20,000 from the Community Development Block Grant. The STP, known as Connect Arlington, will provide a vision for the development of the transportation system in Arlington over the next 20 years, building upon the Traffic and Circulation section of the Master Plan and its recommendations. Goals and recommendations will be developed to prioritize next steps for projects, programs, and policies to achieve this vision. It will focus on all aspects of transportation and mobility in Arlington, including walking, bicycling, public transportation, driving, shared mobility, and micro-mobility.

In January 2020, the town contracted with Nelson\Nygaard Consulting Associates to complete the STP, and a kick off meeting was held on January 13, 2020. Nelson Nygaard's proposal is available to view.

As part of the development of the STP, the Town will conduct robust public outreach in the form of public forums, surveys, focus groups, and other methods. Read the Public Engagement Strategy for the plan.

Any questions related to the preparation of the Sustainable Transportation Plan can be directed to Daniel Amstutz, Senior Transportation Planner, at or at 781-316-3093.